Weekly Photo Challenge: Signs

This week, publish an image of a sign — from the signs you encounter on the street to more personal, less obvious signs that hold meaning for you.

Right up my alley because I do love a good sign. I snap photos of signs everywhere we travel and the quirkier and more off-beat they are, the better! Kinda like the people I’m attracted to, come to think of it….

Now click on a song from high school days and have fun!!

Portland, Maine church parking lot. Who says Yankees aren’t a laugh a minute?


In the Highlands, the Scottish version of Great Clips. Who says the Scots don’t have a wee sense of humor?


On the country road leading to my house. Who says Baptists aren’t a riot?


You gotta love the Golden Arches, right?  Scared I’d hear the banjo strains from “Deliverance” start up, I hightailed it out of there before finding out if survivalists with political leanings are funny or not!!


In the Taichung train station ladies’ room in Taiwan. The introduction of the western-style toilet has evidently caused some confusion and not a few laughs.


In the unisex bathroom at the Chesterfield County Airport in Virginia, I discover that pilots are really funny guys too. And sorry about the glare….not the best setting for taking pictures.


My daily routine. Who says I have no sense of humor?


Signing off now!!!


About Silver in the Barn

Life in a 1915 farmhouse in Central Virginia. And the odd thought or two.
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74 Responses to Weekly Photo Challenge: Signs

  1. Alba Marie says:

    Brilliant! This post really made me chuckle…esp the train station bathroom in Taiwan !


  2. Sandra says:

    Terrific selection, well done. 🙂


    • Thank you, Sandra. This was a challenge that was a piece of cake for me! So many other signs lurking in my gallery….I need to pop over and see what a certain wild and wooley, barge-riding friend of mine might have submitted.


  3. joannesisco says:

    Too funny! … all of them 🙂
    .. but the sign in the ladies washroom at the train station actually answered a few questions for me. I’ve encountered footprints on toilets and just wondered …. whaaat?!
    Not to mention other *oddities*.


  4. Pingback: Look For Signs – They Are Everywhere | tnkerr-Writing Prompts and Practice

  5. reocochran says:

    All of your signs were so great, Barbara! I loved the Sweeney Todd Barber Shop the best! I still remember the face on my sister in law when we walked out of the Johnny Depp movie, which really was well done, not the same as Broadway or others, but nice. She had this grim, almost abhorrent expression. I could tell she was not happy because of the whole ‘meatpies’ thing…As far as the toilet and the church signs, laughing out loud!


    • Well, I’m happy to provide YOU with a laugh for a change. Would you believe I have never seen Sweeney Todd? One of these days…. As far as the toilet, you can always rely on me to elevate the level of discussion.


  6. A laugh a day keeps the good dr away. Toiler humour is something I have never risen above. It’s all too late now.


  7. Jodi says:

    Such a fun post Barbara! Great job. I’ll bet you had fun looking through all your photos and creating this.


  8. Renate Flynn says:

    All smile-inducing! Great selection!


  9. Hysterical! What a great way to end a bad week for the world.


  10. bkpyett says:

    These signs are terrific Barbara. My first husband used to design signs, so they hold great interest. Humour always helps!! The song fits so well with your post too. 🙂


    • Hi Barbara!! I used to work in marketing, so signs have a special place in my attention. Glad you enjoyed….there are more! That song!! Do you remember it? I can’t remember what I had for lunch but I can recite song lyrics from the seventies like nobody’s business. Go figure.


  11. bkpyett says:

    Barbara, forgot to say, I mentioned your post about names in my post yesterday, thank you!


  12. M-R says:

    I like yours best. [grin]


  13. Dianna says:

    Great selection of signs – and a great “old” song!


  14. Funny, funny signs but I think I laughed loudest at this bit: “the quirkier and more off-beat they are, the better! Kinda like the people I’m attracted to, come to think of it….” 😀


  15. Eliza Waters says:

    Great collection of signs, Barbara! A challenge for which you were prepared, I see. 🙂 Enjoyed the memory lane music (was it really 43 years ago?!) – thanks!


  16. dorannrule says:

    Each one is more hilarious than the next Barbara! You have an eye for finding really quirky signs.


  17. Margie says:

    I was on flight into Mumbai, India a few years back. I wish there had been a sign about not standing on the toilet seat, because the seat was absolutely covered in footprints!


  18. nrhatch says:

    Who says YOU don’t have a sense of humor?
    No one, that’s who! :mrgreen:

    I like the last sign the best . . . for us it’s “let cat in . . . let cat out . . . feed, water, repeat!”


  19. quarksire says:

    those are great! 🙂


  20. Barbara – these signs are all so unique and interesting. I like the “Fudge” congregation and the creative use of building materials in the trailer park. The car in front is in fairly decent shape. If there had been a beat-up pick-up truck in camouflage colors, a gun rack in the back and a confederate flag on it, then I would have really worried 🙂


    • Here’s the surprising part: this photo was taken in Delaware near Lewes and Rehobeth. I would have expected to see something like this on a back country road in the mountains, right? As you say, decked out with the Confederate flag.

      Liked by 1 person

  21. Oh, and the pilot sign has a nice double entendre to it…


  22. dorothy says:

    Reminds me of the burma shave signage that we enjoyed as we traveled the highways. Good job barb. Loved how you put signs and song together. You’re too much.


    • Thanks, Dorothy. I don’t remember the Burma shave signs, but when I was a kid, we took a trip to South Dakota and as soon as we crossed the border, the Wall Drug signs started. Went on for hundreds of miles. Talk about great marketing and, of course, we stopped.


      • nrhatch says:

        We did too! My parents had the $0.05 coffee and we had the FREE ice water. Then we went to Vegas and blew our savings on a snow globe of the Hoover Dam.


      • You drove to Vegas from South Dakota? Yikes.We drove from Iowa to S.D. which was entirely long enough. My parents piled the five kids into the station wagon along with my visiting German grandfather, then pushing 80. He wanted to see a bit of the Wild West. It was a wonderful trip including Mt.Rushmore, and the Badlands. Looking back, I’m so glad he got to see this part of the country.


      • nrhatch says:

        We drove from Jersey to California and back with 4 kids and a Great Dane in the car . . . towing a trailer for camping along the way.

        By the time we reached the Grand Canyon, I had had enough. I refused to get out of the car. I stayed put and read a book. :mrgreen:


      • If we had attempted a trip of this duration, I’m not sure how many of us would have survived. My father, GI disciplinarian, did not tolerate back seat shenanigans well. He invented the whole “don’t make me stop this car” business. These childhood adventures leave indelible impressions, don’t they? Jersey to California and back is a long, long way. And you had to find motels that would take a Great Dane? YIKES.

        Liked by 1 person

  23. Leya says:

    Laugh of the day…and your own tasks are the best ones (I can relate to that…)


  24. Phil Taylor says:

    What a bunch of great pictures!


  25. Your posts are a breath of fresh air and are always a sign of good humor. Thanks for the chuckles, Barbara. 😉


  26. agwink1942 says:

    Love them all Barbara. Love toilet humor, but some of mine are too embarrassing to mention, and I’m turning warm thinking about them.


  27. Sue Mayo says:

    You have done it again kid! Funny !


  28. Sheryl says:

    These signs are hilarious! I read this post first-thing in the morning, and it was the perfect post to get my day off to a good start.


  29. kristieinbc says:

    I’m just catching up on my blog reading after having my mom for a visit. Your signs are hilarious! There’s no place quite like Asia for a good source of them. I have seen ones similar to the “no standing on the toilet” one you posted. Funnier yet are the signs with the bad English translations. Churches are another great source, but more for bad theology than bad translations. 🙂


    • My husband leaves today for Taiwan, Kristie, and as you say, we know there is a rich source of funny signs there. However, I’m sure he’ll put photographing them low on his priority list on this visit, darn it.


  30. Flying through the comments I see Wall Drug was already mentioned. 🙂 Loved your collection, as these are the types of things I’m drawn to as well.



  31. Pingback: Signs | Blogged With Words

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