One Lovely Blog Award

Congratulations to Dorann at Virginia Views for receiving the One Lovely Blog Award and many thanks to her for nominating my fledgling blog for the same. Dorann writes a lovely, literate blog about country life and her photographs are extraordinary.


The rules for this award are that I have to reveal SEVEN things about myself. Gulp. Not easy for me.  What is easy for me is the “pay it forward” component to the award by nominating seven other blogs.

OK, here’s seven things about me:

1. This year will mark our 40th wedding anniversary which is difficult to comprehend as I am only 35….in my head. Really.

2. My first record album was “Crosby, Stills, and Nash.” All these years later I can still sing every syllable of every song. Marrakesh Express, anyone?

3. I’m an Army brat. I’ve lived in seven states and was born in Germany. I alternate between wishing I’d lived in even more places and rueing the lack of deep roots.

4. I am a notorious klutz. Attempts at skiing, canoeing, and horseback riding have not ended well.

5. I was a surrogate mother for my sister – carrying my nephew into this life. One of the great joys of my life.

6. My travels, especially to Asia, have broadened my horizons and shaken my certainty about almost everything.

7. I feel strongly that a requirement for graduating from high school should be the ability to differentiate between your and you’re.

And I was wrong. It isn’t easy to choose just seven blogs. All the blogs I follow are lovely and you should check them out!

In any case, I nominate the following seven blogs for the One Lovely Blog Award:

1. The Redneck Rosarian: everything you ever wanted to know about roses written by a most charming Alabama Southern gentleman and possibly my favorite blog name ever.

2. Cambodian Beginnings.  One of the best things about blogging is the people I have “met” from all over the world. And a particular favorite is Philip – a New Zealand schoolteacher working in Cambodia. His photographs and glimpses into real life in that beleaguered yet beautiful country are something to behold.

3. The Gracious Posse. Teeming with fun, useful information about life in Richmond, gardening, gracious hospitality, recipes, you name it. I love starting my day by popping over to see what’s happening with the “Posse.”

4. Janaline’s World Journey. This young woman is a traveling machine and she documents her adventures around the globe in this beautifully photographed blog.

5. Forest Garden. Written by the charmingly named “Woodland Gnome”, this gentle and poetic blog is loaded with useful information about gardening in a woodland area and much more.

6. de Wets Wild. A beautifully photographed blog, this one set in South Africa. I have learned so much about this “bucket list” country reading this blog but I’d follow it for the photographs alone!

About DeWetsWild

7. Castelsarrasin. The author documents her adventures barging in France, writing fiction, and photographing her travels. Her short stories are remarkable.

About this site

The blogosphere is full of so very many interesting, engaged, and talented people. I really had no idea when I jumped into this arena that it would be as enriching an experience as it is becoming. Thank you again, Dorann,  and thank you all for reading.




About Silver in the Barn

Life in a 1915 farmhouse in Central Virginia. And the odd thought or two.
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17 Responses to One Lovely Blog Award

  1. Sue Mayo says:

    You do a great job Barb….I need to start reading all of the other blogs.


    • There are so many really interesting and varied blogs out there that it can be like falling down the rabbit hole, as one of my friends says. You find you’ve just spent the entire morning reading and learning and admiring!


  2. dorothy says:

    I read other blogs and learn so much about many adventures ftom others but Barb I LOVE reading yours as I so relate to your stories. Keep it going…D.J.


  3. Dianna says:

    Congrats! And YAY for you being a surrogate mother for your sister…that’s amazing.
    And I totally, totally agree with your (not you’re) Number 7….same goes for their/there! I’ve been tempted to write a blog post about it, but after looking at FB, realized that many of my friends and relatives are guilty. I didn’t want to hurt any feelings….
    Dor is great, isn’t she??


    • Thank you, Dianna. Maybe someday I’ll work up the energy to write a post on the surrogate experience but you know it was before digital cameras and I’d have to wade through years of old pictures to find anything postable! And regarding spelling….I remember the hilarious article you posted about the “collard” shirt. In the newspaper, no less. And yes, Dor is pretty cool indeed.


  4. We feel honored just to be nominated, Barbara. I can’t wait it check out your other nominees. They sound fascinating, and I look forward to adding them to my Bloglivin list. Thank you so much!


  5. de Wets Wild says:

    Firstly, congratulations on the well deserved accolade Barbara! You should be mighty proud!

    And thank you, thank you, thank you so much for gifting us with a nomination and sharing de Wets Wild with your friends and followers!


  6. Congratulations on your award! Incidentally, I’m an Army brat, also born in Germany.


    • Oh Mark, that jogs a memory for me. Didn’t you write a most charming post about your birth announcement? It had a Munich theme? Now I am going to have to go look it up, but I remember being absolutely smitten with it. My Dad was a GI and my mother is a German – Stuttgart was our base.


  7. Thank you so much, Barbara- I am humbled, and appreciate the award. I promise to respond and “pay it forward” one day very soon now 😉 Best wishes, WG


  8. Congratulations and you definitely deserve it!!


  9. Barbara, thanks so much for the nice words!
    I think I am going to go ‘Award Free,’ though. Reveal 7 things about myself? I don’t think so! 🙂
    You say you can sing every syllable of your first album. Do you sing them well?!


    • Oh Philip, I am such an awesome singer you wouldn’t believe it. Just ask Max and Berkley. And I totally understand the whole “award-free” choice and thought you would probably go that way. But I think your blog is so special and I so look forward to your stories that you were getting nominated, like it or not! And my list of seven things about me was probably the seventh version by the time I posted it. LOL!


  10. Honored to be among this venerable group of bloggers. Thanks so much for the nomination.


  11. Buy A Fitbit says:

    Hi, yup this post is really nice and I have learned lot of things from it regarding blogging.



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