“My Folks Don’t Want Me To Talk About Slavery”


The complicated legacy of the American South is beautifully captured in Kate Campbell’s song.

My regular readers know I’m fascinated with history and the Civil War and slavery in particular. The little book I excerpt in this post has haunted me a bit since I found it twenty-odd years ago in a dusty Charleston, S.C. book shop.

It’s mind-boggling to consider that we have in the Slave Narratives thousands of interviews with men and women born into slavery right here in the American South. Their actual words!

It all seems like ancient history from our 21st century vantage point, but it was really just yesterday in historical terms, a mere eighty years ago, that former slaves still walked the red clay of the South. Imagine.

We now have a rich legacy of over two thousand of their stories archived in the United States Library of Congress thanks to a monumental effort by the Federal Writers’ Project in the 1930s.  Writers were dispatched into the rural South to seek out and interview any surviving slaves. Not a moment too soon, I add, as seventy long years had passed since the end of the Civil War and the ranks were thinning fast.


Twenty-one of their stories are compiled in “My Folks Don’t Want Me To Talk About Slavery,” edited by Belinda Hurmence.

At roughly the same time these interviews were taking place, the intrepid photographer Frances Benjamin Johnston, was recording for the Carnegie Survey of Architecture the decaying mansions of the deep South. What a treasure she has left us. As the economy of the South collapsed, plantations were abandoned by the thousands. By the 1930s, many were in ruins and would soon be lost to time. Gone with the wind, one might say.

Shall we have a listen to what life was like for some of those behind the veil of these grand images? Experiences ranged from the most brutal imaginable to quite benign, really. I’ll let them speak for themselves:


Rosemount, Greene County, Alabama

Marse Cain was good to his niggers. He didn’t whip them like some owners did, but if they done mean, he sold them. They knew this so they minded him. One day Grandpappy sassed Miss Polly White, and she told him that if he didn’t behave hisself that she would put him in her pocket. Grandpappy was a big man, and I ask him how Miss Polly could do that. He said she meant that she would sell him, then put the money in her pocket. He never did sass Miss Polly no more.   Sarah Debro, Age 90, Durham, N.C.


Hayes Plantation, Edenton, North Carolina

I never saw a jail for slaves, but I have seen slaves whipped. I saw old man William Crump, a owner, whip a man and some children. He waited till Sunday morning to whip his slaves. He would get ready to go to church, have his horse hitched up to the buggy, and then call his slaves out and whip them before he left for church. He generally whipped about five children every Sunday morning.

No books were allowed to slaves in slavery time. I never went to school a minute in my life. I cannot read and write. Elias Thomas, age 84 


Wade House, Huntsville, Alabama

We had poor food and the young slaves was fed out of troughs. The food was put in a trough, and the little niggers gathered around and et.  Jacob Manson, Age 86


Thaddeus Goode Holt Peeler House, Macon, Bibb County, Georgia

Our master would not sell his slaves. He give them to his children when they married off, though. One of our master’s daughters was cruel. Sometimes she would go out and rare on us, but Old Marster didn’t want us whupped. The old boss man was good to us. I was talking about him the other nght. He didn’t whup us, and he said he didn’t want nobody else to whup us. It is just like I tell you; he was never cruel to us.

The white folks did not allow us to have nothing to do with books. You better not be found trying to learn to read. Our marster was harder down on that than anything else. You better not be catched with a book.

They had brandy made on the plantation, and the marster give us all slaves some for their own uses. We eat collards, peas, corn bread, milk and rice. We got biscuit and butter twice a week. I thought that the best things I ever ate was butter spread on biscuits.

One of the slaves, my aunt, she was a royal slave. She could dance all over the place with a tumbler of water on her head, without spilling it. She sure could tote herself. I always loved to see her come to church. She sure could tote herself.       Hannah Crasson, age 84.


The Hermitage, Savannah, GA

Marster would not have an overseer. No sir, the slaves worked very much as they pleased. He whupped a slave now and then, but not much. I have seen him whup them. He had some unruly niggers. Some of them were part Indian, and mean. They all loved him, though. I never saw a slave sold. He kept his slaves together. He didn’t want to get rid of any of them. No slaves run away from Marster. They didn’t have any excuse to do so, because whites and colored fared alike at Marster’s.  Marster loved his slaves, and other white folks said he loved a nigger more than he did white folks.        Isaac Johnson, Age 82, Lillington, NC.


Drish House, Tuscaloosa, Alabama

I remember the day we was put on the block at Richmond.  Me and my Mammy was just sold away from my daddy just like the cow is sold away from the bull.

I remember seeing a heap of slave sales, with the niggers in chains….I also remembers seeing a drove of slaves with nothing on but a rag betwixt their legs being galloped around before the buyers. About the worst thing that I ever seed, though, was a slave woman at Louisburg who had been sold off from her three-weeks old baby, and was being marched to New Orleans…..as I pass by, this woman begs me in God’s name for a drink of water, and I gives it to her. I ain’t never be so sorry for nobody…..she dies there side of the road, and right there they buries her, cussing, they tells me, about losing money on her.

Slavery wasn’t so good, cause it divided families and done a heap of other things that was bad, but the work was good for everybody.  Josephine Smith, age 94, Raleigh, N.C.


The Goode Mansion, Alabama

We had good food for Marster was a heavy farmer. I saw only one slave whipped. I had mighty fine white people, yes, mighty fine white people. Their son whupped my mother pretty bad because she did not bale enough corn and turnips to feed the fattening hogs.   Samuel Riddick, Age 95




Belle Grove, Iberville Parish, Louisiana

Marster would not have any white overseers. He had nigger foremen. Ha! Ha! He liked some of them nigger womens too good to have any other white man playing around them. He had his sweethearts among his slave women. I ain’t no man for telling false stories. I tells the truth, and that is the truth. Jacob Manson, age 86


Wormsloe Plantation driveway. Savannah vicinity, Chatham County, Georgia.

If you’re interested in reading more of the slave narratives, they can be downloaded –some for free — from Amazon.

Thank you for reading,



About Silver in the Barn

Life in a 1915 farmhouse in Central Virginia. And the odd thought or two.
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79 Responses to “My Folks Don’t Want Me To Talk About Slavery”

  1. Sandra says:

    An excellent post Barbara, on a subject that is too easily swept under the carpet. It really makes you think about the misery that must have been endemic during those days, and how lucky you must have feltl if you had the fortune to have a ‘good’ master. I was particularly rivetted by the master who whipped his slaves before church on Sundays. I suppose he was ‘cleansed’ of his guilt and misdemeanours immediately afterwards.


    • Astute observations, Sandra. In reading dozens of these interviews, I was struck by the tremendous variance of experiences all determined, of course, by the quality of a particular master. Church was an interesting part of the slaves’ stories. They weren’t allowed to read the Bible, but they had it drilled into their heads that God’s will was for them to serve and be obedient.


  2. julie clark says:

    Barbara,This is a deeply affecting post about slavery in the American South.  I do hope you have seen “12 Years A Slave”.  It, too, is from an actual memoir and very disturbing to watch but not just because of the beating and mistreatment of the people who are enslaved,  It shows the even wider perspective of the ruination of an entire society in the American South where whites actually believed they had the right to own and mistreat other human beings.  It made them a sick people and it made the Blacks who were treated that way sick as well.  This sickness is not gone from the South.  The horrible prejudice against another group of people has settled in the minds of many who live in the American “Bible Belt”.  It has malformed their minds and kept them from entering the modern age.  They don’t get it and they still want hold on to ways that created a society in this land that was pure evil.I am grateful to my mother and her sisters, all born and bred in Georgia, for their incredible insight into their own society and for raising me to understand their world and not excuse it. What an incredible post!Happy Thanksgiving to you and Roger!Love,Julie  

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh yes, I saw “12 Years a Slave” which drove home rather dramatically the extent to which a slave’s life was vulnerable to a master’s mood or temperament. That movie stayed with me for days and days.

      Your lovely Southern mother raised the most open-minded and sensitive of daughters who goes on to do the same with her own family. I love how you describe your mother as raising you to understand their world and not excuse it. The Kate Campbell song in this post has traces of that same sentiment. I have seen shocking examples of the mindset you describe, Julie, and not confined solely to south of the Mason-Dixon sadly. You do your Southern roots proud as do many, many lovely people I’ve met here in Virginia. My motivation in writing this post is just to let the voices of the enslaved be heard again by those who might be interested; they deserve never to have their plight forgotten. And I thank you for sharing your experiences with us here, Judy Kate.


  3. ritaroberts says:

    Thank you Barbara for this wonderful extremely touching post. What can I say that hasn’t already been said, by your faithful friends who live in your country, and I agree with their comments entirely.
    I have never been able to understand how one human being can be so cruel to another, not then and not now in modern times.


    • That’s right, Rita, it’s important to remember that slavery is not extinct on our planet. I think when you consider that more often than not on plantation ledgers, the slaves were listed under “Livestock”, you begin to grasp how it is possible…..And thank you, my friend, for reblogging.


  4. M-R says:

    A wonderful and horrifying post, Barbara … In my listening to the “Outlander” series of books, there’s quite a lot (negative) about slavery; but one doesn’t get the impression of the … nastiness of it such as these excerpts provide. I will never understand how our forefathers were able to think themselves superior to other races: it happened here, too, of course.
    If I may, I’ll do a referral post to this …? (I don’t reblog because it fills up my media library, to be honest.)


    • Of course, dear M-R. I am sitting here, by the way, on a cold and blustery November day reading how the sap boiled on a certain tree and blew the dickens out of your island house. I’m loving the book. BTW, also read the first four chapters of “Outlander” but have put it aside as it is one of next year’s book club selections. I’ll pick it up then. Thank you.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Pingback: Music and pain | “And then like my dreams”

  6. Yes, the history of American slaves doesn’t make for comfortable reading. We smile and remember Bonanza but there was a lot more to farming than those cowboy legends, including High Noon. In Australia we still haven’t included nor acknowledged the existence of aboriginals in the constitution but they are ‘working’ on it.


    • “Rabbit-Proof Fence” was my introduction to the plight of the Aboriginal peoples in your fair land. They reminded me in many ways of our American Indians. If you had to pick one novel, Gerard, that you thought might be described as the Great Australian novel, which would it be? I want to learn more about Australia and right now, that is pretty much “The Thorn Birds” and “A Town like Alice.”


      • M-R says:

        If Gerard doesn’t come back, Barbara, may I recommend my favourite author in the entire world, Peter Temple, who writes crime|adventure novels that are so good they always win prizes ? – his last won nothing less than the Miles Franklin Award, Oz’ top literary prize. Peter’s setting is mostly Melbourne; and it’s Melbourne of a couple of decades ago; but it’s modern Australia and he has the idiom TOTALLY. If you get around to him start with “Bad Debts” – not only clever plot, brilliant characters and dialogue to die for, but funny !


      • Yay! That is so great, M-R. I will get my hands on a copy immediately!! Thank you.


      • M-R says:

        I’ll be astounded if you don’t enjoy Temple. I’ve read all of his books many times; and will read them all again many more before I kark.
        I just love everything about his writing style: he’s a master !


      • Kark? Seriously, I’m going to have locate an Oz to American-English Rosetta Stone app, M-R. But I get the gist and I’m so looking forward to reading him. Thanks again.

        Liked by 1 person

  7. joannesisco says:

    These are heartbreaking stories. I just don’t understand the inclination to treat another human as something less than human.


  8. Such honest and interesting stories. I also think it interesting that free Afro-Americans owned slaves, not to work, but to protect them. For example George Washington Carver “owned” his wife.


    • Some historians quibble over the veracity of the slave narratives with some justification, I feel. The slaves interviewed were children or very young adults when freedom came. And there had been seventy intervening years. Many, many slaves had fuller bellies under slavery than they did on their own. And when interviewed it was in the height of the Great Depression when times were really bad so historians tell us to perhaps consider these things when reading of particularly positive experiences of slavery. Hindsight with rose-colored glasses in some cases.

      Yes, you being up a very interesting facet to the slavery question – that of blacks owning slaves themselves. This is the most well-rounded article I’ve found on the subject:

      George Washington Carver was not your man, Iris, he was only a little boy when freedom came, so it had to have been somebody else you’re thinking of. Your point is a valid one, however.


  9. dorannrule says:

    Soooo fascinating and such a shameful part of our history. I love the photos of the old crumbling plantation homes that recall the elegance of the day (and the cruelty of the masters too). Did I tell you I was a docent at the Stonewall Jackson House for six years (here in Lexington)? He had several slaves. Some were wedding gifts from in-laws. A young healthy male was worth more on the inventory list than the most expensive piece of furniture – the piano. Stonewall (Thomas Johnathan Jackson) was teaching his slaves to read even though it was against the law. You might say he was a benevolent slave holder and he worked along with them in his garden. His cook was an older lady who begged him to buy her. A tour through his house is a must if you come for a visit (if you haven’t been there before). He lived there two years before the Civil War started. Considered to be Lee’s “right hand man,” Jackson was shot by his own men in friendly fire and died at the age of 39. Ooooh….. I am giving my docent tour all over again. Sorry……I LOVE your post! ~Dor

    Liked by 1 person

    • All I know of Stonewall is the friendly fire story and that he was reputed to be a military man par excellence. I would love to visit his home in Lexington when we come. Absolutely love to. How fascinating that he was teaching his slaves to read. That is a thread that runs through the slave narratives over and over….we were forbidden to read. So evidently Stonewall was a rebel in more ways than one. Thanks so much, Dor, love hearing all this information….our state and region are full of so much tantalizing history!


  10. This is a wonderful post, Barbara. The photos of the old plantations are amazing. (I went to Tuscaloosa in 1992 – wish I’d known about the old houses at the time.) I’ve always found stories of slavery hard to take (have yet to see 12 Years A Slave). How anyone could treat another human being in such a way is something I will never understand. And the horrifying thing is that slavery still exists today. We are slow learners it seems.


  11. The division of families is heart-wrenching. I’ll bet many of the slave owners prided themselves on being upstanding Christians. Thank you for sharing these stories, Barbara.

    Native American Indian families also were divided. We lived near several reservations in Central New York. I heard of children being taken from their parents and sent to a school about 30 or 40 miles from their homes. They were not allowed to speak their native tongue or practice their culture. If caught doing so, they were punished. Barbaric.

    Liked by 1 person

    • You bring up something I find so fascinating, Judy. How does one reconcile strong Christian beliefs and slave-holding? That was a very common thread in the slave narratives: church, church, church. I think the answer can be found, maybe, in the ledgers where slaves are listed along with the other livestock. Not really human, don’t you know, so it made it okay.


      • Religion has been used to justify any barbaric act in history you can think of….


      • Hi Annette. Religion, certainly, at the root of much barbaric behavior. Add to that the conflicts over ideology (as distinguished from religion) and it’s surprising any of us are around at all. In the context of this post, it is interesting to contemplate how religion was used to keep the slaves in their place. “God wants you to obey your master.”


  12. Behind the Story says:

    It’s good to hear in their own words what these men and women remember about their experiences. As the title of the book says, “My Folks Don’t Want Me to Talk About Slavery.” Much of history is never told because “people don’t want to listen.” I’m thinking of soldiers back from war who feel that no one wants to hear about their experiences. My dad, for example, didn’t talk about the war. Good for the Federal Writers’ Project for collecting all these stories from former slaves.


    • Yes, I was so surprised to read the slaves’ regretful remark about none of their family wanting to talk about it. They probably had a “let’s move along now” atttitude and these old folks were reminders of something they didn’t want to identify with. We are so much more aware now of the need for returning soldiers to tell their stories; my heart breaks for the soldiers of older conflicts who came home with all that stuff in their heads and no way to let it out. My Dad served in Korea and does talk about it but ends up crying and then clams up.

      Liked by 1 person

  13. bkpyett says:

    What a wonderful post this is Barbara. The huge difference between the slaves and the white people who lived in those huge houses was immense. So good that slavery was outlawed. Very poignant stories. ❤


  14. Wonderful post, Barbara. Slavery was an abomination and I’m proud to say that I live in a country that (partially) fought a war to get rid of it. Without in any way softening the evils of slavery, I’d like to add that most slaves (who were generally sold to slavers by other blacks in Africa, at least originally) didn’t come to the US, but went to sugar plantations on the islands and in other parts of the Americas. There were tribes of Indians who also had slaves and there are slave in the world even today, often religion-based, rather than by race. No matter the form, slavery is horrible and wrong and should be fought against wherever it’s found.



    • You are absolutely right! I was shocked when I first learned the statistics of just how many slaves ended up in the islands compared to the US. Somehow I had imagined us as the primary slaveholders, at least in number, but the islands vastly outnumbered us. And my understanding is that those slaves had it much, much worse, as a rule, than the ones who landed on a southern plantation.


  15. Outlier Babe says:

    Thank you, Barbara. While teaching about the war, I read and listened to the available accounts. They are overwhelming.

    Thank you also for the link to the post about black owners of black slaves. It is the best I’ve seen on the topic.


    • We have a treasure trove of first-hand accounts in our national archives and now available on-line. Wonderful that you sought these accounts out while teaching the subject. I hope your students got something out of it. Sounds like you were the kind of teacher that took things beyond “here, remember these dates” which is what I had in high school.


      • Outlier Babe says:

        That is a real shame about your HS teachers. Mine were skilled and caring.

        I taught only in fifth grade. My second principal was fantastic, and have me plenty of freedom.

        He allowed me, with signed permission slips from parents, to split the class in two and have half wear badges marking them as slaves of the other half during recess (supervised, with STRICT limits, of course). The halves then traded. A real eye-opener for everyone–one year, teary eyes (whoops, Teacher!). But a great way to get kids to understand a tiny fraction of what being owned felt like.


      • Hi OB. I had a handful of good teachers and they left quite the impression on me. I grew up in a family where reading and watching documentary TV were the order of the day and we discussed things…lots of things…about the world past and present. Only later did I realize how lucky I was. Now on to you. I think what you did as a history teacher was marvelous and I am sending you hearty kudos. How does a teacher possibly ignite the love of history and the understanding of why it matters without making the children “feel” some of it.Did you have any push-back from parents? In exactly fifth grade, I had a teacher who divided us up into the Patricians and the Plebs to give us a feel for the society of the Roman Empire. I remember it to this day which I’m sure some of your students will too.


      • Outlier Babe says:

        Teaching where I did, with the particular students assigned to me, the bulk of patents did not care. I will blog about this some day.

        Big culture shock for me. (By “culture”, I do not mean “Latino” or “Mexican”, but that particular neighborhood and set of parents’ subculture.)

        Thank you for the kudos : )
        I’m glad you did get that great experience !!


      • I’ll be very interested in that future post.


      • Outlier Babe says:

        This is cheating (and a shameless post plug), but this
        already-written post makes oblique mention by way of implication and footnote…



  16. Eliza Waters says:

    When you read history, it is challenging to imagine the mindset of the time. Our present day perspective gets in the way. It is hard to understand how things were, what went on and how acceptable was the poor treatment of women, children and slaves. Just like today, there is good and bad, let’s just hope we’re moving towards less of the bad as we evolve.


    • I couldn’t agree more. One of my favorite quotes regarding history is something like “The past is a foreign country.They do things differently there.” Not to absolve slave owners from dastardly deeds, but we are all products of our environment to some extent. Thank you, Eliza, good point.


  17. Jodi says:

    What a moving post, Barbara. You are so insightful, as are so many of your readers with their comments. 🙂 (Such a wonderful following you have – and so well deserved as you are such a good friend and support to so many) I wish I would have paid more attention to history in school. As a young girl, I was not interested, but the older I get the more it fascinates me. Slavery is such a sad, awful part of our history. The quotes and photos you shared are just so haunting. Such a well-done, though-provoking post. I always look forward to your posts and enjoy them immensely. What a good soul you are, my friend. Keep up the great work making a difference to all those you “touch.”


    • Sadly, Jodi, school doesn’t exactly convey why history matters to pupils. It’s such a dull, dry recitation of dates and facts with all of the good stuff taken out! No wonder kids are not interested. It’s such a shame because a great teacher and light a fire in you that lasts a lifetime. My parents are both history nuts and growing up, there were always lots of books and discussions about these types of things. My father controlled the TV and we watched what he wanted. You know, back in ancient times when dinosaurs ruled the earth and kids didn’t negotiate with their parents? God, I sound curmudgeonly, don’t? Thanks for all your kind words, Jodi, I so appreciate it. I am so happy to count you as one of my followers and myself as one of yours.


  18. WOW! That’s so interesting (and horrifying) to hear it straight out of their mouths! Thank you for sharing these! 🙂


  19. A wonderful post, Barbara. The concept of slavery beggars belief, incredible that it still continues today in some countries (oh yes, as I see Beauty Along the Road has mentioned). I visited Kingsley Plantation near Amelia Island in Florida and was horrified. Thanks for the Amazon link, I’m off to check it out.


    • Thanks for popping in, Susan. Imagine my excitement today when listening to a radio interview of an author whose book posits that most of us, northerners and southerners, looked away from the horrors of slavery for far too long because it benefited us so economically. Included in the interview was an actual recording of an interview with an ex-slave. Fascinating that we have this information available to us now.

      Liked by 1 person

  20. Such a powerful post and so moving. An area of history that we need to keep vividly in mind when making decisions today – not just in the US but anywhere in the world. History tell us we have nothing to be complacent about and we are still acting selfishly with regard to fellow humans. Thank you for this so immediate and accessible reminder.


  21. caffienna says:

    Fantastic post.
    Old south white people worked for the rich folks and did not all have slaves, but they did have “white” advantages even if this was never considered. When you think of a great film, like Out of Africa, or Cross Creek……….stop laughing, you get an idea of how easily a white person who might feel really good about how their workers are treated or provided for, never-the-less considers it their duty to be a good charge. God help me if I lived back then ……look away.


    • I was so hoping you would see this as I thought Kate Campbell’s song was so perfect for it. “Sixteen stately Doric columns…” What a song that is. Yes, one of the slaves talked about working side by side with some poor whites who got fed the same food he did! That stuck in his memory. These narratives are fascinating stuff, Sarah.

      Liked by 1 person

      • caffienna says:

        Sometimes it takes me a while, but I do so love reading the way that you put things together. Today when so many people remember JFK’s murder, I thought to myself how we were little kids and had no idea how recently things were so dramatically different for “minorities” just a decade earlier. I thought that when I was in college, a lot of my classmates might as well have been in private schools…..even though they were in really nice public schools due to the lack of diversity. If it were not for the movies (even the “what if” kind of films) I would not understand anything about the world.


      • The closed minds of those that have never experienced another culture, a dissenting point of view, a different way of looking at the world. You know, I am so happy I had all the experiences I did as an Army kid and all that moving around because it sure opened my eyes to so much. I guess we are all products of our environment to one extent or another.

        Liked by 1 person

      • You mention Kennedy, Sarah, and you might check out my most recent post which I posted today if you have a chance. I do realize there are one or two other things going on in your life….but you might find it interesting.

        Liked by 1 person

  22. Dixie Minor says:

    Thank you for this very moving post. The stories the slaves tell juxtaposed with the photos of the grand houses made very powerful reading.


  23. reocochran says:

    Dear Barb, this was such a great post and so sorry I am a little late to the conversation. My friend, Bill, has a book called “Slave Whips” or something like this, where it included the ones who were slaves’ stories in their own words. Some were terribly sad, so many people use the word, “heart-wrenching” while I cannot think of another word quite like it to use. But every time I read about the whipping, the degradation and the whole idea that it happened after the Pilgrims got here to build a ‘better life,’ which meant for whites, just makes me cry! I am not saying the Pilgrims did this, per se, but this was the “Promised Land,” in many peoples’ eyes. I look upon European servants’ stories, which don’t seem to hold the same powerful message of hatred and it may be that I am not really looking deep enough. I read each of these narratives twice. I am grateful for your sharing these, along with the ones who captured their personal tragic stories. Thank you for this, Barb.


    • Yes, it was the “Promised Land” for some, not all. Isn’t it interesting to contemplate our founding fathers living on plantations with slaves. Supposedly both Thomas Jefferson and George Washington felt about it privately. And then the economic benefits of all that free labor were something nobody wanted to disrupt for quite some time. It’s hearing the stories straight from the slaves’ own mouths that is so compelling, isn’t it? Thanks, Robin.


  24. Barbara that was a fascinating post and so well presented. In my studies I have been coming across the term slave narrative but not really given it a lot of thought. The importance of these memoirs is huge adding to our understanding of the effects on people. Thank heavens for Harriet Beecher Stowe and the power of story.


  25. Nika says:

    I am the owner of the Drish House in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. I am currently renovating the house and take a lot of time thinking about the skilled shave craftsmen who built it. Most of their names are lost, but I am committed to preserving their legacy.


    • Wow, Wow, Wow!!! First of all, how great that you found this post. I am thrilled to imagine the connections we all have with one another even if only cyper. And secondly, I own an old house and have an inkling of what you must be going through to bring that old beauty back to its former glory. I am so interested in knowing more. I’ll be popping over to your blog shortly. Thank you for taking a moment to comment and letting me know about this amazing endeavour of yours.


  26. Pingback: Kate Campbell Song | auntyuta

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