Leaving On A Jet Plane

Cue the Peter, Paul & Mary. Or better yet John Denver. He wrote the song, you know, even though we often associate it with the former.

This hilariously dated hippie-dippie video is completely redeemed once John and Cass Elliot start singing. What glorious harmony.

Real life has a way of intruding into our blogging, doesn’t it? And my blogging is coming to a screeching halt for a while. BH and I are getting on that jet plane tomorrow for a long-anticipated trip to Taiwan and….be still my heart….Japan! I’ve been yearning to see Japan my entire life – or at least since reading “Shogun” back in the seventies. To say I am excited would be an understatement.

I promise to bore you all thoroughly with tales of my adventures when I get home. And maybe I’ll even have some cool new airport carpets to show you.

I leave you with my most recent favorite shot of Max, apropos of nothing in this post but too cute not to share. Oh yes, Max will be staying with friends while we’re gone who will take him boating and spoil him rotten. As it should be.


Zai Jian and Sayonara!


About Silver in the Barn

Life in a 1915 farmhouse in Central Virginia. And the odd thought or two.
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111 Responses to Leaving On A Jet Plane

  1. Pat S. says:

    Bon voyage. Enjoy! Enjoy! Enjoy!


  2. OH! Gosh! How thrilling!! (Sorry, I don’t know why I’ve gone all Enid Blyton all of a sudden. Lack of sleep…) But seriously, that’s very exciting, Barbara. Have a fabulous time!

    I’ve only ever heard John Denver sing that song. How strange.

    Does Max have a boater to wear boating? Cutest picture ever.


  3. Jennifer Howe says:

    Have a safe and wonderful trip to Japan. I can’t wait to hear all about it! So exciting!~Jenn Howe


  4. Diane Ahlberg says:

    Safe travels to you and Roger and dear Max – in safe hands- hope he also enjoys his vacation!
    Looking forward to pictures on FB
    And hearing about your trip, how exciting!
    ENJOY every minute!


  5. Sandra says:

    Have a lovely trip Barbara, looking forward to hearing all about it. Big hugs for Max, super photo!


  6. shoreacres says:

    Have a wonderful, safe trip. And don’t forget to bring us back some nice, new words. I hear they have some long ones over there. 🙂


  7. joannesisco says:

    I miss you already!! Hope you have a fantastic time … I’m so excited for you.

    … and John Denver with Cass Elliott? OMG! What a gorgeous collaberation. We lost both of them way too soon.

    btw – Max is so cute … makes me want a Westie too ❤


  8. nrhatch says:

    Have a wonderful time, Barbara! You too, Max.

    Note to self: I should go to Japan. I don’t like Japanese food so I would lose weight!


  9. leannenz says:

    I’d love to be able to hit like 10 more times! I look forward to hearing about your adventure and if I can be of any help just drop me a line!


    • So kind, Leanne, thank you very much. I’ve looked at the weather for Kyoto and rain seems to be the dominating theme. I guess a smart traveler will pack a raincoat?


      • leannenz says:

        Yes unfortunately you are hitting rainy season. It wet and chilly here today. Fold away brollie is a good thing to have on hand. Cheap to pick up here. It has been unseasonably hot tho so be prepared for some humidity!


      • Good to know. Unfortunately I cannot rely on being able to pick up a lightweight raincoat there as I am….er….German in proportions. Dash it!!


  10. Safe travels! I’ve never been to Japan, hope to some day. Minamoto Kitchoan, a sweet shop, has a location in NY. All the sweets were so beautiful I could not choose but younger sister stepped in. Then they lovingly pack them in the most gorgeous little box. I think their flagship store is on Main Street in the Ginza. Bon voyage!


    • I wonder if they stock those lovely little moochi (sp?) that I like so much? OMG, I can feel my waistband expanding already. Don’t you just love how beautifully they present gifts in Asia? So much thought and meaning behind the gesture. Thank you, Linda!!


  11. Mary Ellen says:

    Safe travels. I would love learn all about your trip when you return (and while you are there if you can post on facebook.) Max is such a doll! Sounds like he will be having fun too! Enjoy!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Oh, how exciting! I’ve always wanted to go to Japan! Have fun and let us know all about it when you get back!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Jeanie Thompson says:

    I am very excited for both of you! I know you will have a wonderful time and many exciting things to tell and pictures to show on your blog. I look forward to it.
    Sayonara, anzen’na taxi o!
    (Impressed?…don’t be.)


  14. leannenz says:

    Lol I got a good sized coat from Monte belle here not probelems and I think I can trace my family roots back to a teutonic gene pool and size. But in general yes, clothes shopping not the easiest! Free wifi can be frustrating to find. It is getting better tho. Some starbucks have it but you should register before leaving as in a nasty little twist you need to be online to register to be able to use their free wifi! Mmmmn go figure! Also in desparate time 7/11 covenience stores seem to have a user friendly free service. At least up here in Tokyo.


  15. leannenz says:

    Lol I got a good sized coat from Monte belle here not problems and I think I can trace my family roots back to a teutonic gene pool and size. But in general yes, clothes shopping not the easiest! Free wifi can be frustrating to find. It is getting better tho. Some starbucks have it but you should register before leaving as in a nasty little twist you need to be online to register to be able to use their free wifi! Mmmmn go figure! Also in desparate time 7/11 covenience stores seem to have a user friendly free service. At least up here in Tokyo.


  16. reocochran says:

    Anytime I pack my bags I tend to sing this song, Barb. I love the video and their voices truly are precious and warm. Both gone on to join that Great Band in the Sky!
    Bon Voyage, happy trails to you, Sayonara and Enjoy the wonders of Japan. Hugs and travel mercy wishes sent upon the air.


    • Thank you, sweet Robin. That Great Band in the Sky has far too many of my favorites in it. When the first member of Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young goes – perish the thought – I will go into deep mourning. Never mind that, thanks again and happy buzzing.

      Liked by 1 person

  17. dorannrule says:

    Have fun on your dream trip Barbara. I will miss you and I know Max will too – even with pampering and boat rides! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  18. So Max will be on his hols too!

    You’ll have a wonderful trip – and we’ll all have the treat of reading about it and seeing the pics in due course without having to board a blasted jet ‘plane…..no risk of men in muscle shirts….no having to check the airport carpet…and no useless ‘security’ checks…..

    You could solve the raincoat problem the way the coffee pickers do here…one black bin bag worn as a kilt, another slit up the side to act as hood and top…..now that would make a super selfie!

    Enjoy yourself!


    • You have just been expunged from my list of potential fashion consultants, Helen. Never fear, you are remain firmly entrenched on others which matter more. One sight of a hairy armpit on this flight – or the dreaded nail clippers – and I may end up on the NIghtly News! “Crazed traveler assaults man after errant fingernail flies onto her lap!” Oh, if I were only Queen…..

      Liked by 1 person

  19. You will be missed here, Barbara…but oh, for such a wonderful reason. Have a great trip and share your highlights as only you can !! ❤️ Van

    p.s. Always loved this song…sweet and sad. John Denver gave many of his creations over to other artists. The Mama’s and Papa’s version deserved all its fame, but this one is so heart-felt and personal. Thanks for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I remember when it was a bit uncool to love John Denver, but I did anyway, belting out “Country Roads” at the top of my lungs. It’s only when you sing along to one of his songs that you fully appreciate his amazing range. I’m feeling a post coming on, Van, but will have to put it on the very crowded back-burner. Thanks for your kind wishes.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I used to/tried to sing along to Annie’s Song.”You fill up my senses…” I know you are busy getting ready for travel, but when you come back, check out my post on Longwood Gardens. I thought of you and your garden photo, and I’d had this on hold until today. Safe Travels, Barbara. ☺


  20. Have a great time !!! I’ve always wanted to go.


  21. Caffienna says:

    I will miss you, but I love hearing of your travels. My cousin lived in Japan in the seventies when she was married to military officer stationed there. Max looks happy. I am glad that he gets a good dog-sitter. Please enjoy this trip to the fullest. Mrs. Holmes seems happy about how her program has taken shape for the Harmony in Song event on June 14th, 3 p.m. If you are not back by then, I will imagine you there. Faithfully yours, Sarah G


    • We won’t be back by then and I’m sorry I will miss it. You know that I enjoyed it so last time I actually wrote a post about it. Conduct away, O Talented One, you are an inspiration. And thank you so much.


  22. trentpmcd says:

    I hope you have a fantastic trip! (And not the 1972 meaning of the word 😉 )


  23. Boating and Westies – they do go well together.
    Enjoy your trip – the area has so much history and beauty.
    (this is so weird I posted about sandcastles in Japan today. Hear that Twilight Zone music? loved that video – what a time)


    • What a time, what a time is right. I’ll try to pop over soon and see those Japanese sandcastles, Phil. There’s an exhibit going on right this second at Virginia Museum of Fine Arts on the art of Japanese tattoo. Quite amazing as long as I don’t think about the pain involved.

      Liked by 1 person

  24. John says:

    Wow, have a fantastic trip!!

    Liked by 1 person

  25. My goodness, that song. When we were kids, my MIL would play the oldies and there was one day we were on a road trip and we tortured her with singing her old people music. (She was about my age, lol) We howled Leavin on a Jet Plane, Marry me Bill, and then she threatened to pull over and leave us on the side of the road, in the middle of nowhere, so we stopped. Good times!
    Bon Voyage, Barbara — Make wonderful memories and take beautiful pictures!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Bill! I love you so, I always will…
      Why can I not remember what I had for dinner last night, but song lyrics from the distant past just pop right up at the slightest beckoning? I wonder what they’re listening to in Japan right now? Remember what huge Michael Jackson fans they were?

      Liked by 1 person

  26. cindy knoke says:

    Bon voyage or should I say Sayonara!

    Liked by 1 person

  27. Carrie Rubin says:

    How exciting! Have a wonderful time. Seeing Japan is on my bucket list for sure. Can’t wait to hear about your travels.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Carrie. BTW, I checked my Kindle last night to see if the extract from your book landed there and it did not. Maybe I should try one more time.


      • Carrie Rubin says:

        Hmm, appears Amazon is messing with you. Guess you’ll have to wait for the whole book. If you nominated it, and it gets picked, Amazon will send you a free copy! (Thanks again for trying. 🙂 )


  28. Have a great time. Take pictures, explore, relax and be safe. I love Asia, almost every corner of it. Can’t wait to read your posts after you come back.

    Liked by 1 person

  29. Jodi says:

    ENJOY! You’ll be missed, but will look forward to your posts after!!


  30. Sue Mayo says:

    Have a wonderful and safe trip. Can’t wait to hear all the details when you return.


  31. Jane says:

    Have a most lovely trip! Sayonara and safe and happy travels!


  32. terry hallsey-scott says:

    Safe and most wondrous travels dahlink!


  33. Have a wonderful, wonderful time… I know you will! Max sounds like he is going to have quite a vacation too! Waving good-bye and shouting all the way from MissouREE to have bunches of fun!


    • I hear you all the way from MissouREE – will it carry over the Pacific? Why not? Just aim west, okay? Thanks, sweet Pix, and I know you will see IG pics and have a good idea what we’re up to. Take care!!


  34. Have a blast Barbara. I know you will love Japan.


  35. Kathy Morgan says:

    See you all in the morning! We are excited to have Max as a houseguest and are planning lots of doggie things just for him. Xoxo!


    • You didn’t know you were taking care of a WordPress superstar, did you? Max tries not to make too much of his blogging fame, but he’s quite well-known. He’ll have to enjoy his hiatus with you and Charlie and I look forward to seeing pictures while we’re gone. See you tomorrow!! XXX


  36. Have a nice trip and holiday, Barbara, and don’t forget to send Max a card. Perhaps a photo of some sushi if he likes fish. We are off to Bali next Friday for 10 days.


    • I assume there is someone suitable to take care of Milo too? It’s one of the hard parts of leaving home, Isn’t it, but then we get the happy welcoming reception and they seem to forgive us. I hope you and Helvi have a wonderful time in Bali. And I look forward to catching up on life with Oosterman very soon. My best!!


  37. Eliza Waters says:

    Oh, Barbara, how exciting! We will miss you and look forward to hearing all about your adventures. Have a wonderful time! That pic of Max is so darn cute – it must be hard to leave him behind. But he’ll be having fun at ‘summer camp!’ Bon voyage!


    • Hello Eliza. It is hard to leave him behind but nowhere near as bad as usual when we know he is ensconced in a kennel. This time he’s going to be living the life of Riley with friends! How lucky are we? Hope all is with you and Lyme and your garden is giving you much joy. See you on the return.

      Liked by 1 person

  38. I want to hear every tiny detail of your trip. And lots and lots and lots of photos please.


  39. fatericsmum says:

    Schoene Reise, Barbara — I know you’ll have a wonderful time! And I love the photo of Max 🙂


  40. A.PROMPTreply says:

    Ohhhh, have a lovely time. Nothing like chasing dreams and making them come true! Can’t wait for your return! Will miss you!


  41. Behind the Story says:

    Have a wonderful time, Barbara. I look forward to hearing all about it.


  42. Thom Hickey says:

    Have a fabulous trip and report back! Regards Thom.


  43. ritaroberts says:

    WOW !! Can I come ? Have a really wonderful time Barbara. That song is very appropriate for a plane journey to a place you always wanted to go to. I shall be singing this all day long now. Thanks for another lovely photo of Max for my gallery.It sounds like he will enjoy his holiday also, but I know full well he will miss you, but how lovely to see his wagging tail when you return. Looking forward to all those holiday photo’s .


  44. Outlier Babe says:

    I am so happy for you that you are getting to go someplace you’ve always wanted to visit. I had quite the thing for Japan, too, when younger. My friend Ruth cared not a whit about her parents’ birth country, whereas I thought everything Japanese was fascinating.

    My father did one of the few real kindnesses he ever performed for me when, knowing of my love of all things Japanese, he brought back from there two beautiful furoshikis and a wooden doll.

    I know you will have a wonderful time and see beautiful perfect moments you could see nowhere else–surrounded by busy-ness worse than anything here.

    Have a safe trip, both ways, and don’t eat the puffer fish.

    Max the boatie boy looks like God’s in his heaven and all’s right with his world–too cute!


  45. Almost Iowa says:

    I hope Max has a great time, and oh yeah, you too. 🙂


  46. Chloris says:

    How exciting, have a wonderful trip. I have always wanted to go to Japan. I look forward to reading all about it.


  47. julieallyn says:

    Barbara, thank you SO for sharing this. What beautiful harmony they had. My husband and I were fortunate to have seen John Denver in concert not long before his death. When he sang Calypso, it truly gave me chills. And I have always loved Cass Elliot’s incredible vocals.

    And look at you! On your way to a dream destination. What a clever way to announce your departure!!! Hope you have a wonderful adventure. 🙂


  48. Grace says:

    Safe travels, Barbara! I look forward to hearing about your adventures!💕


  49. Angie Mc says:

    I’m so happy for you, Barbara! Well earned, friend 😀 Wishing you safe travels and every happiness ~~~~~~~~ ❤


  50. I’ll await your vacation reports. Safe travels.


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